Monday, October 25, 2010

Indonesia Army The Special Forces Comand KOPASSUS

Special forces Command or KOPASSUS The Indonesian Army

The history of the birth of Special Forces Command as the unit can not be separated from the historic series in the life of the nation of Indonesia, in July 1950, arising from the rebellion in the Moluccas by kelopok calling itself the RMS (Republic of South Moluccas). Chairman of the Armed Forces of Indonesia when it immediately deploy troops to quell gangs. The operation was led by the Commander of the army Colonel AE III Kawilarang territory, while the surgery was designated as commander Lt. Col. Slamet Riyadi.

Indonesia Army The Special Forces Command (KOPASSUS)
 This operation was successfully crushed the rebellion movement, but with no small sacrifice on the part of the TNI. Having studied was in some battles, the enemy with a relatively smaller forces are often able to thwart military attacks whose strength is much greater. This was not only due to the spirit of the enemy forces a higher or more complete equipment, but also tactics and combat experience that supported both the right and ability to shoot individual movements.

 The incident is what ultimately inspired Lt. Col. Slamet Riyadi to spearhead the establishment of a set of bat that can be moved quickly and precisely to deal with various targets in the field of weight however. After the death of Lieutenant Colonel slamet Riyad on one battle AE Kawilarang.

Through the Army and Territorial Commander Instruction No. III. 55 / Inst / PDS / 52 dated 16 April 1952 formed the territory COMMAND INCLUSION III which is the origin of "Red Beret corps." As the first commander entrusted to Major Mochamad Idjon Djanbi, a former captain who had joined the Colonial Army Corps Special Troopen and had fought in World War II.

 In the course of this unit further amended several times, including the name of Unity of Command of the Army (RPKAD) in 1953, Regiment of the Army Forces Command) in 1952, then in 1955 became the Army Para Commando Regiment (RPKAD). In 1966 this unit again changed its name to Center for Army Special Forces (TNI PUSPASSUS AD), later in 1971 changed its name this unit became Sandi Yudha Forces Command (Special Forces). In 1985 this unit was renamed the Special Forces Command (Kopassus) until now.

After several changes in the organization, according to the TNI chief Letter Number: B/563-08/05/06 / SRU dated March 23, 2001, the organizational structure of Kopassus currently consists of:

- Makopassus, based in Cijantung with the slogan of Pataka "Satya CHANDRACA Tribuana DHARMA".
- Group-1 / Parako, based in Serang with the slogan Dhuaja "EKA Wastu BALADIKA".

- Group-2 / Parako, based in Solo with Dhuaja slogan "DHARMA Birawa yudha DWI."

- Grup-3/Sandha, based in Cijantung with Dhuaja slogan of "Chess KOTTAMAN WIRA NARACA BYUHA".

- Pusdikpassus, based in Batujajar with Sempana slogan "TRI Yudha SAKTI".


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